Page 12: - Dominican Republic 2011! - Tropical Adventure /w Pics -
Exactly fifteen years ago today, Christmas day, I headed off on a motorcycle in the Dominican Republic mountains with a load of cookies to pass out to children. With my backpack filled with chocolate filled cookies, I head out again looking for isolated mountain villages and smiling faces.
This is my third attempt to find the trail leading to this village I stumbled across back in 1995. This is the poorest village I have ever seen and I will always remember the warn feeling I received from the people whom I shared a banana leaf shelter with while waiting out this downpour.
Today I ride ten miles down the north coast highway then I turn up another rural road leading up into the mountains. I did not find the village I am looking for but had no trouble finding small isolated villages way up seemingly impassable dirt roads. I pull up to the front of any home I see small children. I kill my motor and motion to the kids to come over. The parents, with big smiles, encourage the kids to go see what the strange looking gringo wants.
I pass out over a hundred small packaged of cookies and wish I had a hundred more. The smiles and look of surprise from the children and parents is worth millions to me.
Much more…
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