Page 4: Dominican Republic Adventure 2024!
Of course skip all the dribble if you like and just check out the photos
OK, it is about to get interesting…
Taking the rough back road towards Southern DR and the Barahona coast. Beautiful!
The hills are alive with the sound of music. La lalala...
My time machine...
Valle Nuevo National Park entrance.
The road is knarly and fun, great stuff.
Park camping area. A good place for a chill.
Biker to biker respect, checking to make sure all is OK. All good.
The road is mostly in good shape. A couple times I feel a weird sensation with the front tire, like the front wheel is sliding on ice. Fine powder sand on mostly hard pack. Weird!
Riding through various climate zones I pass areas where long moss is hanging from the trees, cool...
Cruising along I apply too much front brake just before a hidden gully. I went straight down in an instant after the front tire locked and the steering cocked and dug into the gully. Dead stop and down I go.
My head is the first thing that hits, OUCH!
I believe my new Biltwell helmet saved my life. At least it saved my face. I may have a broken jaw or cheek but nothing serious, I hope. My knee hurts like Hell and is bleeding, my shoulder and arm too. But everything is still working including the bike, so again I come out lucky. Whoosh! This will NOT happen again...
I lay in the grass in the shade until I know I am not going to pass out or something. I saw stars and for sure had my bell rung. In today’s sports world they call this a mild concussion. I am hoping it is mild anyway.
I ride on, all good...
No more front brake today!
Where am I? What am I doing? …
This is a great route for adventure bikers not to be missed. Before something horrible happens, like pavement...
Home with a nice view.
More hanging moss.
Southern Park entrance.
Now I am looking for the first hotel so I can take inventory of my physicality, priority one.
Unreal! I cannot believe it, almost to the paved road I spot an ice cream bike with bars for sale! Like sent from above just what I need.
These guys are a hoot. I am over the moon with the ice cream just appearing in the middle of nowhere and everyone can sense my joy. We all celebrate together!
Thankful I made it this far...
DR pool hall. So cool!
I finally make the town San José de Ocoa and call it quits here. I am toast. I score a super nice hotel for $30 US with balcony overlooking the city and beer on site! The city center is just a few blocks away. I need to look for more first aid supplies and take inventory of the body...
Hang on! A ton more is on the way.